Friday, October 9, 2009

, Where married couples living together more than 2 years, did not take contraceptive measures will

, Where married couples living together more than 2 years, did not take contraceptive measures will not prevent pregnancy, known as infertility. 2 years after the marriage had never been pregnant are known as primary infertility, there have been birth or miscarriage, and infertility for more than 2 years, and known as secondary infertility. According to statistics, a normal pair of married couples of childbearing age in a normal married life and not take contraceptive measures, within 3 months 60% ~ 70% of pregnant women, 6 months, approximately 75% ~ 80 % of pregnant women; 12 months the pregnancy rate of over 85%. Some statistics from 1 year to conceive, 60% 2 years accounted for 80% of pregnancy, 3 years about 90%. From the statistical results, the pregnancy rate after 1 year, the highest, therefore, be argued that time will be scheduled for the infertility of 1 year. br Infertility is a woman can not conceive that this is the process of emergence of barriers to fertilization or early embryo before implantation failure caused the loss, without pregnancy refers to the fertility of women, but for different reasons of miscarriage, premature delivery or stillbirth, pregnancy may not be the maintenance of live births. The impact of women driven by many factors and diseases, according to their location and the causes can be divided into the following ten aspects: br Due to factors of vaginal septum or vaginal atresia congenital as obstacles or difficulties in sexual relationships, what affects sperm in the female reproductive tract. Also as a result of mold, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, such as vaginal inflammation caused by biochemical changes in the vaginal environment, reduces sperm motility and viability, thus affecting the chance of conceiving. br cervical stenosis, polyps, tumors, adhesions can affect sperm, such as through, cervical erosion, the inflammatory exudate is effective spermicide, cervical mucus in the existence of antisperm antibodies, is not conducive to sperm penetrate the cervical canal or completely lose their activities so that the ability of sperm, which deserves attention is pregnant after an abortion due to cervical adhesion, easier, especially when repeating the flow of serious complications caused by the refusal of sperm outside the mouth of the cervix. Cervical canal with multiple congenital anomalies or abnormal menstrual dysmenorrhea, menarche girls go to the hospital after the inspection. And cervicitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, etc. are infected by sexual life, often leads to cervical canal stenosis or atresia. br I relax with cervical disease is caused by a result of habitual late abortion is not a common cause of infertility. When the pregnancy sac weight increased over the month increased the capacity of the cervical canal, the expansion of the neck, bag and broke the water in the fetus and placenta have frequently occurred within 3 months after pregnancy . br Congenital absence of uterus, uterus, and not naive type of the uterine cavity solids such as dysplasia or deformity affects womans fertility. After the uterus or severe retroflexion, inflammation of the endometrium caused by intrauterine adhesions are the causes of infertility. br About 75% of patients with endometriosis have a history of infertility, it may cause uterine adhesions after the bit, the activities of the poor can also be caused by adhesions of the tubes, resulting in decreased gastrointestinal motility, endometrial ectopic can be used as an autoantigen, immunodeficiency caused by hyperfunction of women, such as the production of antiendometrial ectopic endometrium may produce more prostaglandins, the uterus and fallopian tubes, resulting in a sharp contraction of the muscles, interference with the functioning of the sperm and ova and implantation, leading to infertility. br Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors of women with infertility patients with uterine myoma rate of 3040%, much higher than the general population rate of infertility. Submucous myomas, which may affect the passage of sperm and the implantation of the blastocyst, not only the impact of intramural fibroids pregnancy, often caused by abortion or premature delivery. Even if the pregnancy until the third trimester of pregnancy, also because of abnormal uterine contractility caused by preventing postpartum haemorrhage caused by premature birth o. br The fallopian tubes are too long or narrow light caused by inflammatory occlusion of the fallopian tubes, water or adhesive, will prevent the semen, ova or fertilized eggs of the race. Tubal disease may account for 25% of female infertility is a major cause of infertility, resulting in inflammatory diseases such as tuberculosis, endometriosis, trichomonas, gonorrhea and other infectious pathogens. The obstruction of the fallopian tubes can pass through the fluid, recanalization of the microsurgical plastic surgery was also using testtube baby (in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer) technology to help patients the chance of becoming pregnant. br In ovarian follicular dysplasia, can not be ovulation and corpus luteum formation, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovaries, ovarian tumors, as the impact of follicular oocytes or factors that can cause infertility. For example, the follicles may be mature, but not broken, so the egg can not be discharged, the basal body temperature was normal rate of two phases, hormone levels in blood are completely normal, the disease known follicle syndrome is not broken. Luteal progesterone secretion is the lack of performance, its causes and prolactin levels are very high and then the development phase of the secretory endometrium are affected to the detriment of implantation of the fertilized egg, although the implementation, also because inappropriate secretion of pregnancy an abortion. br Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by a nonovulation, not a single disease but a set of clinical signs and symptoms of a general term, the disruption of performance multimenstrual (scanty menses or amenorrhea), infertility, ovariectomy increased thickening capsule, multiple cystic changes, hairy, fat, increase sexual desire. Endocrine and menstrual disorders and infertility caused. br current couple mature thalamus or hypothalamus incomplete cycle delay center, so that the hypothalamic pituitaryovarian regulation between the imperfect, then showed menstruation anovulation, amenorrhea or luteal dysfunction, infertility are possible causes. In addition, hyperthyroidism or overactive adrenal low or lower may also affect ovarian function and prevent ovulation. br severe congenital hypoplasia of the reproductive system, often accompanied by these patients have primary amenorrhea. Sex chromosome abnormalities such as Turner syndrome, true hermaphroditism. Caused by chromosomal abnormalities, such as habitual abortion. br nutritional disorders, metabolic diseases, chronic wasting disease, as simple obesity. Using cottonseed oil Health, toxic chemicals, microwave radiation and other physical factors. br br