Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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lt; li id = quot; rss7quot; snap_preview class = quot; widget_rssquot widget; gt; lt; h2 class = quot; widgettitlequot; gt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; feeds. feedburner.com / title CommentsForGeekWithFibroids # 39; = # 39; Syndicate this contenidoquot; gt; lt; img style = # 39; background: orange; color: white; border: none; # 39, width = # 39 14 # 39 , height = # 39 14 # 39, src = # 39; s.wordpress.com / wpincludes / images / rss.png alt # 39; = # 39; RSS # 39; / gt; lt; / agt; class = # 39; rsswidget # 39; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com # 39; questions title = # 39; asking and find answers in my personal journey fibroma # 39; gt; Look Whos talking about fibroids lt; / agt; lt; / h2gt; br lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/24/howareyou feelingafteryourlaparoscopicmyomectomy / # comment45564 # 39; boys title = # 39; Welcome back I had my myomectomy on 10/03/2009 @ 7:30 I got out of surgery, @ 12:00 noon the nurse gave me a patch before surgery that work well as scopolamine Surgey for nausea and vomiting my fibroid was compared with the size of a newborn baby's head. Surgey post i was in the recovery area. In great pain to the nurse gave me Percocet for pain 1 hours the [hellip;] gt; Comment on: How do you feel after laparoscopic myomectomy by kay0728 lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/26/isanyonehaving fertilityissuesbecauseofuterine fibroid tumors / # comment45563 quot; title = quot; dreadingmyo Hi, you can try the question on the next page, there are a number of women who have had babies after surgery and have strong opinions about the role of fibroids in her miscarriages. It seems to help (in what I can tell) for a specialist to perform reproductive surgery, as it Not only focused on or [hellip;] gt; comment is that anyone having fertility issues because of uterine fibroid tumors by Amy lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/02/howareyou managingyourheavymenstrualbleeding / # comment45561 # 39; title = # 39; This will be long ... sorry. Hello everyone, I'm glad I found this site. I'm 21 and not sure if I have fibroids, but what everyone is describing seems to point to that. When I started my period was like clockwork, until the upper middle school. Then a few months ago, was very irregular intervals, some stained Inbetween, but when I saw [hellip;] gt; Comment on: How are you managing heavy menstrual bleeding by Amaya lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforpregnancy ttcafteryourfibroidprocedureabdominalmyomectomy / # comment45560 quot; title = quot; Thanks Erica, April08 and Daniela: I really could use some prayers right now. This was a tough loss, especially after seeing our little hearts beating inside me. April08, I know I had a similar loss at the same time that my last miscarriage. But I have an incredible husband who continues to show why I love him so much. Therefore, there is a mullet [hellip;] gt; Comment on trying for pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (Abdominal Myomectomy) by Karen lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforpregnancy ttcafteryourfibroidprocedureabdominalmyomectomy / # comment45558 quot; title = quot; Karen, im so behaviors are in my prayers. quot; gt; Comment on trying for pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (Abdominal Myomectomy) by Daniela lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforpregnancy ttcafteryourfibroidprocedureabdominalmyomectomy / # comment45557 quot; title = quot; Oh Karen, my heart aches for you. I'm sorry. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. quot; gt; Comment on trying for pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (Abdominal Myomectomy) by April08 lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/26/isanyonehaving fertilityissuesbecauseofuterine fibroid tumors / # comment45556 quot; title = quot; Hi guys I am soo thankful to have come through this website. I too have suffered miscarriages in eblited egg and the other a random miscarriage. The doctor insists on having a PM, but I have intramural and subserosal fibroids and all my research I am finding very little information to say that these types of fibroids have an impact on miscarriages .... any sug [hellip;] gt; Comment on: Is anyone with fertility problems because of uterine fibroid tumors by dreadingmyo lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforpregnancy ttcafteryourfibroidprocedureabdominalmyomectomy / # comment45555 quot; title = quot; Karen Oh, my heart fell into my stomach as I read your post. Sorry for your loss. I know this has been a long road, but you have to believe that you were able to get pregnant this time, so it can happen again. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Big hugs and lots of sticky babydust! Gt; Comment on trying for pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (Abdominal Myomectomy) by Erica lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforpregnancy ttcafteryourfibroidprocedureabdominalmyomectomy / # comment45554 quot; title = quot; ladies Hi: I hope you all are doing well. Wow, I do not want this post again. But, failed yesterday. It was a shock and I'm still Tring agree with him. The good thing is that it happened so fast. It began with blood stains in the morning, followed by a trip to the emergency room, where an ultrasound indicated no fetal heartbeat [hellip;] gt; Comment on trying for pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (myomectomy abdominal) by Karen lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a class = quot; rsswidget # 39; href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/24/howareyou feelingafteryourlaparoscopicmyomectomy / # comment45553 quot; title = quot; Hello! CK mine had my back (robot help) 19 days. For 11 days I had to use pads day and night (the location was just a pantyliner could handle), then I have my period. I was about 14 days after surgery and it was a little early. It is super heavy, but not clotty / gushy as before the op. Just a little heavy. It retriggered my symptoms of anemia. Having said all that, that [hellip;] gt; Comment on: How do you feel after laparoscopic myomectomy by Myo Fan Robotic lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; / ulgt; lt; / ligt; br lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/24/how areyoufeelingafteryourendometrialablation / # 39; gt; do you feel after endometrial ablation lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/10/27/howareyoufeelingafteryourlaparoscopichysterectomy / # 39; gt; do you feel after laparoscopic hysterectomy lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/12/14/howareyoufeelingafteryourabdominalhysterectomy / # 39; gt; do you feel after hysterectomy lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/11/30/isanyonehavingproblemswithuterine fibroid pain during pregnancy / # 39; gt; anyone have problems with uterine fibroid pain during pregnancy lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/24/muffintopafter abdominal surgery whats AMuffin topand howdoijustdoyougoaway / # 39; gt; Muffin Top after abdominal surgery � What a muffin top and how they just make it go away lt; / Agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/11/10/howareyoufeeling afteryourhysteroscopic myomectomy " / # 39; gt; do you feel after hysteroscopic myomectomy lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/15/tryingforTTCpregnancyafteryourfibromaprocedure abdominal myomectomy / # 39; gt; Trying to pregnancy (TTC) after your fibroid procedure (Abdominal Myomectomy) lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/09/12/isthereanaturalalternativetherapyortreatment foruterinefibroids / # 39; gt; There is a natural alternative therapy or treatment for uterine fibroids lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2006/09/24/howareyoufeelingafteryourluproninjections anysideeffects / # 39; gt; do you feel after injections of Lupron Possible side effects lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; blog.geekwithfibroids.com/2007/02/02/howareyoumanagingyourheavymenstrualbleeding / # 39; gt; How are you managing your heavy menstrual bleeding lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; / ulgt; lt; / ligt; br lt; ligt; href = # 39; www.endometrialablationdiscussion.com/ # 39; lt; to rel = # 39; nofollow # 39 ; gt; endometrialablationdiscushellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; bmj.bmjjournals.com / cgi / content/full/330/7506/1478 maxtoshow = 10RESULTFORMAT HITS 10hits = = = = 1andorexacttitle = andtitleabstract laparoscopic andandorexactfulltext = Hysterectomyandorexacttitleabs = andsearchid = 1FIRSTINDEX = = = relevanceresourcetype HWCIT 0sortspec # 39; rel = quot; nofollowquot; gt; bmj.bmjjournals.com / cgi / chellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; www.ehponline.org/members/2003/5787/5787.html # 39; rel = # 39; nofollow # 39; gt; ehponline. org/members/200hellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; www.fibroidsecondopinion.com / abdom_lapar_myomectomy.htm # 39; rel = # 39; nofollow # 39; gt ; / fibroidsecondopinion.com hellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = quot; www.webmd.com/content/Article/85/98741.htmpagenumber=3 # 39; rel = quot; nofollow quot; gt; webmd.com / content / Articlehellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; news.google.com / news / url fd rel = RSA = Turl http://www.bestsyndication.com/q=20091011_urinary_fibrosis.htmusg=AFQjCNFKW_Vq2HhQC4fFrjbDHdbRjYVjg = # 39 = # 39; nofollow # 39; gt; news.google. com / news / url hellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/17064.htm # 39; rel = # 39; nofollow # 39; gt; nlm. nih.gov / medlineplus ehellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; www.orlive.com/lich/1190/ # 39; rel = # 39; nofollow # 39; gt; orlive.com/lich / 1190 lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; geekwithfibroids.wordpress.com/2006/09/07/would somebodytellmehowmuchthesedangfibroidtumorsweight / # comment992 # 39; rel = quot; nofollowquot; gt; geekwithfibroids.wordpreshellip; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt ; lt; ligt; lt; a href = # 39; www.bogg.com / Instructions high after the return hyst.pdf rel # 39; = # 39; bogg.com nofollow # 39; gt; / insthellip discharge; lt; / agt; lt; / ligt; lt; / ulgt; lt; / ligt; br br