Prologue: the accelerating pace of daily life, work pressure, various gynecological and easily. In order to avoid the disease, women were friends should pay more attention in everyday life. Some women more concise here several ... br cervicitis Women # 39; s Health is the second cause of clinical data suggest that in 2004, cervicitis, cervix diseases, most of vaginitis, especially a child born per cent of women or abortion done. The most common are mechanic ... br uterine fibroids quot; myometrium first gynecology tumor is the female reproductive system, and common development of the tumor. There are no symptoms, the majority of uterine fibroids is often caused by fibroids periods other than menstrual cycle, reduce or ... br: (1) for allergy: due to occur, can cause the skin rash command feature, drug or food allergies can also cause severe edema, says the foreskin vascular neuropathic edema, due to exposure, etc. tools can produce contraceptives, contact dermatite ... br for most couples, sex, even create the fresh taste, is to improve the quality of life of the effective means. However, some organs of the disease not only affect the quality of their children, even at the risk itself and the other half, a great health. There is usu ... br is bad for your body, can be angry, if you really understand what causes the disease unemotional 1. Spots.blood flows over the head, so that the oxygen in the blood are reduced toxins. Toxins and stimulate hair follicles, causing inflammation ... br is a urinary tract infection. Publisher: seasuch pyelonephritis and urinary bladder infection, and treble, so prevention is both men and women should always wash both sides before the relationship, each with their genitals clean and, after its best femal ... br clinical common diseases such as urinary inflammation, hematuria, vaginitis, colon cancer tumors and early stages, the first and only a small amount of secretions. Female patient, due to physiological characteristics, often confused with menstruation, a. .. br BaiDai Women seemed abnormal quantity, color and odor change presupposes that disease. Secondly, blood BaiDai women for serious diseases, uterus, endometrial cancer. As in the wash water BaiDai meat, smell, and often the uterus, a few ... br three menstrual disorders: A female patient with menstruation purple, sticky, dark, with the highest quality of sweet bean paste (accumulation, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the palace deficiency causes pale, the color of the anode virt ... br br