I am a personal trainer and instructor in Minneapolis. I come on my 40th birthday in October. I've been struggling with fibrocystic breast during the past 7 years. Fibroids are painful when I exercise (which is 23hrs/day) and caused my left breast to be noticeably larger than my right. As a coach, the symmetry is very important to me, so I started on a quest to solve this problem. br I have consulted several doctors about a solution and the most common responses were: # 1Close all stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, wine, etc. for 6 months and # 2Being happy with my body, just the way is. I am willing to try anything as long as I get my desired end result, so I quit I quit my stimulants and black chocolate and white wine for 6 months. Let's say my husband found me a nice feeling for the first month of this experiment! It was one of the hardest things Ive had to do, but I thought it would be worthwhile. Well, it was not. Nothing changed. Fibroids has not dissipated, which means that it still had a large chest pain. Needless to say, I am again enjoying my caffeine! br With the first suggestion of marking the list, I was with # 2. Mostly, I'm very happy with my body and how it looks and also how it performs on a sporting level. However, I am very satisfied. Although, I am also of the mentality that if you can change something and the more physically and mentally, why not! Accept what you cannot change and change what I can. So three years ago, I saw Dr. Bashioum for liposuction on my left breast, hoping that if we take the size down to that procedure, it wouldnt be so heavy and therefore not as painful. Not to mention, the size might be better to party! He was one of the possible treatments and that worked for some time. However, in recent years, the fibroids have gotten bigger and are virtually almost everyone in my breast tissue on the affected side. At this point, I'm thinking of more surgery to correct the asymmetry of me. I'll tell you more after my visit with Dr. Bashioum about my decision to have or not a reduction in the left breast. br br