CA Dartmouth College study of 16,000 Americans in money, sex and happiness quot revealed, the more sex, more happy to persona.quot; Since most people want happiness, sex and relationship, exploring what gets in the way of full expression of sexuality is an important issue. br Most if not all sources of sexual dysfunction, are rooted in unresolved emotional problems. In this article we will explore ideas and distinctions to help individuals and couples to help resolve any disharmony bedroom. br emotional conflicts can arise from childhood, past or present relationships. These commonly manifest in the physical conditions such as excessive menstrual bleeding, infertility, loss of libido, premature ejaculation, frigidity, addictions, chronic pain, phobias, fibroids, cysts, obesity, heart disease, atrophy vaginal, migraines, etc. has been gratifying to see these conditions, solving using something as quick and effective as EFT. br A key factor in the creation or restoration of a satisfying sex life is to cure the ability to connect with oneself and one's partner. Overall, both sexes do this quite differently, most women need to feel quot; conectadoquot, in order to enjoy sex, while many men say they need sex to feel connected! No wonder that we are facing what some experts call an epidemic of sexless marriages in America This same study found that 25% of adults in the U.S. not had sex in the last 12 months. br Some of the reasons for the inability of many women express their sexual desire include: low selfimage (acquired from the media, past lovers, family of origin, etc.), shame, insecurity, fear of abandonment , stress, time pressures, fear of pregnancy, lack of a sense of security because of past sexual abuse, or issues of privacy in today's society. Many women end up choosing, consciously or not, to give up sex rather than to deal with these matters charged. Therefore, there is no connection, no sex, no happy, no marriage and oftcited U.S. Census Bureau divorce rate estimate of 50%! br An example: I worked with a client who had lost interest in sex with her husband of ten years. Since one of the tenets of their religion was orthodox to have many children, I began by having her touch his feelings of sadness and inadequacy that quickly dissipated. I asked him to find what they most fear the possibility of having another child and she immediately responded that it would be completely overwhelmed. Her husband had recently started his own business and was not available to help at home with the children they had. Once these fears are confronted, discussed his feelings with her husband, and cured past memories of being admitted, (EFT Was used throughout the process) its desire to have sex immediately. Now br quot; in Martequot, we have men who often find their greatest connection through sex. The manifestations of emotional conflicts are shown as impotence (20% of U.S. men have tried Viagra and 20 million men regularly used around the world), premature ejaculation, prostate problems, addictions and anxiety. Some men look through the connection through extramarital sexual relations or pornographic sexual encounters. Hence the need for a man to express physical sexuality may result in an estimated 5060% kind of extramarital affair and 10% of adults admitted to having an addiction to Internet pornography, 72% of whom are male. br Case study: Richard asked for some understanding for their erectile dysfunction (ED) problem. He had been plagued by this for 10 years and because the side effects of the quot; azulquot pill, frightened, refused to take it. The bottom was Richard pattern to attract the very strong women in his life. When asked when his E.D. had begun, it was found that coincided with the end of his last marriage. His exwife, in fact, had been verbally abusive, and as a barrier to enter the subconscious of another potentially dangerous relationship, his body had become physically impossible. After a period Richard was healed. In other words, the concert was Up! br Beyond celluloid and erotic fantasy world of romance novels, is the possibility of a truly passionate dance, intimate relationship that allows the personal history and gender differences. The courage to accept another requirement and willingness to explore each of the remaining obstacles to full emotional sexual expression has the potential to transform the simple fornication sacred sexuality. Embracing a healthy physical sexual relationship, beyond the fears and emotional, can be a beautiful way, not only to increase happiness, but it is also possible that a path along the Divinity itself can be searched. br br