(My original blog post: www.surgeryanddoctors.homerepair101.net/breastcancersymptoms) symptoms of breast cancer can be experienced by men and women, but breast cancer is very rare in men compared with women. More than 1 in 10 women are prone to suffer from symptoms of breast cancer and be diagnosed with breast cancer in life. The symptoms of breast cancer can be detected when a lump, a tumor or cyst grows large enough to be or felt or seen on a mammogram. Sometimes a tumor is not for many years. The breast cancer symptoms often do not manifest themselves until the cancer is already in its final stages, and may have spread to other more vital areas of the body. So it is so important for women who receive regular checked.east cancer symptoms are often subtle, and selfdiscovery can be elusive. Due to the high incidence of breast cancer among older women, the selection is recommended in many countries.mps or lumps in the breast are not unusual, and most of them are not cancerous. Some breast masses can be felt during a breast exam.mp may form in the breast, chest or under the arm if the cancer is within or near the chest wall. Also notice a change in the size, shape and skin of the breast.rlier diagnosis of breast cancer always involves the removal of the breast and surrounding skin, the muscles under the breast and lymph nodes under the arm. Today the method of diagnosis is advanced without the above mentioned procedure radical mastectomy.ong young women, a lump that moves may be a sign of fibrocystic breast disease. But simply to ask questions is not enough, a combination of tests is used to make a final diagnosis.nerally, breast cancer is a much more aggressive disease in younger women. In general, a lump that is cancerous will not touch, it will be difficult, unfurnished, and size does not change quickly (within several days or weeks). If the nodule is sensitive, could be a cyst or swollen lymph node. Genetic counseling and genetic testing should be considered for families who may carry a heritidary form cancer.flammatory breast cancer is an uncommon type of breast cancer, including breast swelling is hot, red and swollen.The is because cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. Not always imply a lump.east cancer is a common disease. Each year, approximately 200,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer, and one in nine American women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer occurs much more frequently in women and less than 1 in 100 of breast cancers occur in men. In the UK, approximately 250 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer begins in cells of the breast. Breast tissue covers a larger area than the breast.men with one of these defects have up to 80% chance of getting breast cancer sometime in her life. Women who attend retreats Infinite limits are in all stages of breast cancer. Some are newly diagnosed, while others may have been treated for breast cancer years ago. Women who drink alcohol have a slightly higher risk. The more you drink, the greater its riskmen had little knowledge of their relative risk of developing breast cancer, associated risk factors and the diversity of potential breast cancerrelated symptoms. Older women are particularly poor at identifying symptoms of breast cancer, risk factors associated with breast cancer and their personal risk of developing the disease. Women sometimes have lumps in breasts that have been there for a lifetime. They're usually harmless fibroids, and never conclusively mean that developed breast cancer. Women are very aware of their breast care. Beautiful and healthy breast is one of the most cherished dreams of women. br br