Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nobody really knows why some women get fibroids and others not, or why some women have

Nobody really knows why some women get fibroids and others not, or why some women have them and have no symptoms. It is speculated that estrogen dominance is the culprit, or genetics, and although I have investigated alternatives to surgery for 10 years I have not found anything that works to reduce its size. I found relief from pain and bleeding by acupuncture, but never a reduction in the size, and treatment is very expensive. I paid around $ 200.00 a week for treatment, and while they helped me they never really solved the problem. I have tried using diet as this right and what is done instead of shrinking tumors, I have been shrunk to the point where now you can easily feel when I fell. Its weird and strange and a little creepy and reminds me of being pregnant, but not IM. br So after waiting a long time to take action, I'm in a situation requiring open abdominal surgery, which frankly scares the shit out of me, but my life has become unmanageable and I feel I am optionwhich, except for having a hysterectomy that I refuse to do. If you wonder why or if you just want a lesson in female anatomy, or if you are considering a hysterectomy to go to the website of the HERS Foundation and see the anatomy lesson to discover the true function of the uterus and discover the side effects hysterectomy. If you have had a hysterectomy and have symptoms that can not understand or if your doctor says your symptoms are all in your head you may want to watch this to understand why. Many times symptoms after hysterectomy noshow for the years after the procedure than ever and many women make the connection between their symptoms and cause. The site is somewhat radical, or at least by the standards or medical societys (gynecomastia) rules, because women are told that if the uterus is bad just remove it, or part thereof, but side effects are well hidden by the Most doctors, or sad most doctors simply do not know. I would support informed consent and that the only reason he fell to the uterus is removed if its cancer, like any other diseased organ, but the fibroids are not cancerous and whether harvesting early can be removed without much trouble or major surgery. Unfortunately most women with fibroids are told to wait and see and see what happens, but I can tell you what happens, they grow until they are unbearable to live with and then you have to look across a surgeon who provide anything but a hysterectomy. Also, the fibroids continue to develop until age 40 and no new ones appear often, women are told the reason that recur after surgery to remove them is because not all were removed to begin with, especially if they are told to take a drug called Lupron to shrink and then some are too small to be seen and eliminated. It is also a fallacy that the fibroids stop growing after menopause, another reason for one, was told to wait because I am so close to that age, many women continue to grow after menopause, and I read a couple of stories of women in their 70s who got them or just discovered them. br So, if I had it to do over I would have waited until I was 41 or so and then I'd had all my fibroids removed, but hindsight being what it is, not me. So Tuesday morning at 7:30 in the morning I go to hospital for major surgery and I'm afraid. I hope the pain of surgery and recovery (6 weeks) will solve this problem once and for all, so I can live the rest of my life is not governed by my uterus! Needless to say, not be about blogging again, probably about 3 weeks, but you never know. If you do not see me posting you know why br I hope everyone else is having a fabulous Sunday. I will miss everyone, and until then, be well, be happy and love as much as you can! br br