Introduction: The average woman ovulates about 400 times between puberty and menopause, usually at intervals of approximately 28 days. If an egg is fertilized, the pregnancy continues, otherwise the uterine lining is shed during menstruation. The functioning of the female reproductive system is controlled by the pituitary gland, which in turn takes its orders from the hypothalamus in the brain. A variety of disturbances and imbalances in the body can modify the influence on the brains of the pituitary gland, thereby altering levels of hormones, many women believe they are responsible for the psychological as well as psychological problems. A holistic view of the functioning of the female body is very suitable for the application of homeopathic principles, and there is much anecdotal evidence of success in handling complaints homeopathys Women. Homeopathic remedies can be an attractive alternative to conventional treatments such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which can have unpleasant side effects effectsand are particularly suitable for treating diseases associated with recurrent reproductive cycle.PREMENSTRUAL syndrome (PMS) PMS affects 75 percent of women in some degree for several days before a menstrual period, and includes physiological and psychological symptoms. Many women still take more or less normal life despite feeling sad and irritable, but ten per cent of cases the symptoms are severely debilitating. Physical symptoms include tender, swollen breasts and abdomen, fluid retention, and the juvenile period type pains. PMS can be exacerbated by nutritional and hormonal imbalance, stress, overwork, allergy, and psychological factors such as Help depression.Self: Avoid salty or fatty foods, junk food, sugar, tea, coffee and alcohol. Eat protein normal, small, rich snacks, but reduce consumption of meat. Take 30 minutes of daily outdoor exercise and practice relaxation techniques or meditation. If you smoke, quit. Their own pace to avoid stress.CAUTION: If symptoms persist, consult a condition doctor.SPECIFIC: 1. PMS with apathy, irritability, crying and oily skin, acne possibly Desire for salty or sweet tiredness, especially in the morning feeling as if the uterus is falling possible sinus problems, sore throat, and flushes2. PMS retention with swelling, pain in the breast fluid that aggravates any weight problem of lack of energy swollen breast pain and joint pain or thrush3 Possible vaginal discharge. PMS with Desire for selfpity sweet swollen stomach swollen face, especially in the upper eyelids headaches, nausea and dizziness yellowish vaginal discharge.PAINFUL periods (dysmenorrhea) The discomfort is common during the early days of the menstrual period. Symptoms include a dull ache in the back or lower abdomen or abdominal pain. The pain can be exacerbated by stress, but may improve after childbirth or after a woman reaches her thirties. Sudden pain after years of painfree periods may indicate an infection, endometriosis (the formation of cysts in the pelvic cavity of bleeding fragments of the lining of the uterus) or fibroids. The use of intrauterine devices or out of the contraceptive pill can also result in painful menstruation.Self Help: Eat lots of fruits and raw vegetables. Too much exercise and lose weight if necessary. Between the periods, taking the occasional short, cold bath during the week before a period, taking a long hot bath every night. A physiotherapist or an osteopath may be able to relieve associated pain.CAUTION: If periods are consistently more painful, see a doctor.SPECIFIC condition: 1. Abdominal pain with depression and selfpity cramps in the uterus that causes nausea or vomiting, Tenderness in the abdomen Tearing in the lower abdomen or diarrhea migraine possible flow of blood includes blood clots or is very scanty2. Abdominal pain with irritability, crying, and indifference Sharp, piercing pain in the lower abdomen feeling as if the uterus is falling with possibly cramps migraine, acne, weakness, sweating, and fainting3. Abdominal pain relieved by heat and pressure colicky, spasmodic pain flow includes dark blood clots, fibrous, and tarry blood flow period begins before schedule.ABSENT periods (amenorrhea) Absence of periods may be permanent or temporary. If periods have not started before the age of 16 (primary amenorrhea), the cause is the delay of puberty. If menstruation is established but suddenly stop periods (secondary amenorrhea), this may be due to anorexia or loss of heavy weight, or excessive exercise (especially if the diet is vegetarian). Amenorrhea can also be caused by stress, shock travel (especially longhaul flights), emotional stress, coming off the contraceptive pill or hormone imbalance. On rare occasions, due to the displacement of the uterus (if it is tilted backwards). Periods may also be delayed after childbirth.CAUTION: If the periods of absence for more than 9 months, consult a AILMENT1 doctor.SPECIFIC. Periods stop abruptly after a shock feeling of heaviness and pain in ovaries sudden, sharp pain in the abdomen is inflated uterus and vagina is sensitive to hot, dry sensitive2. Periods stop after emotional stress may not have symptoms related to possible global reproductive organs in the throat as possible headache like a nail being driven in head.HEAVY periods (menorrhagia) Heavy periods are defined as those with heavy bleeding , or floods, which rapidly absorbed through any sanitary protection and may include large blood clots or bleeding that lasts longer than seven days. May be due to pelvic infection, hormonal imbalance, fibroids, endometriosis (the formation of cysts in the pelvic cavity of bleeding fragments of the lining of the uterus), stress, overwork, or menopause. The use of intrauterine devices can also increase menstrual blood help flow.Self: Reduce your intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, milk and milk products and eat plenty of raw vegetables. Take 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, but avoid overexertion.CAUTION: If your menstrual cycle is regular, but the flow is heavier than usual or has any other change, consult a physician. If you have had sex regularly and a time lag and heavier than usual, see a doctor within 12 Ailment 1 hours.SPECIFIC. Heavy periods in women with overweight aggravates fluid retention that a weight problem as possible back pain, sweat, and the awkwardness of blood is bright red periods are possible irregular2 abdominal cramps. Heavy periods with apathy and indifference severe abdominal cramps itchy vaginal discharge during menstruation sweating visual disturbances such as spots or flashes are irregular3 periods. Heavy periods with nervous excitement flow of dark blood clots include intermittent bleeding, abdominal cramps, headache, dizziness and fainting face.MENOPAUSEMenopause very clear is the cessation of menstruation that occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55. It should not be considered a disease but a fact of physical and emotional life that some women are better suited than others. The symptoms occur as a result of decreased hormone production by the ovaries, and include hot flushes, vaginal dryness, pain, dizziness, loss of appetite, tiredness, chills, and palpitations. Psychological symptoms include tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, depression and insomnia. Menopausal symptoms can be exacerbated by stress. Counteract the reduction of hormone production is the basis of conventional treatmenthormone replacement therapy (HRT). Homeopathy does not believe that menopause simply in terms of hormones, but takes a more holistic approach to body imbalances that may have existed for a long time. Constitutional treatment can help REQUIRED.SELF: Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and spicy foods, and eat little and often. Cotton underwear, lightweight clothing, and cool showers or baths will reduce the impact of hot flashes. Moderate exercise and practice deep breathing or yoga. Relieving vaginal dryness calendula ointment, and increase lubrication during sex with a vaginal lubricant.CAUTION: If there is any bleeding six months after the last period, or prolonged bleeding between periods, consult an ailment doctor.SPECIFIC: 1 . Inability to cope during menopause a headache that is worse in the left sweating on the face and back of the neck during sleep Desire for sweets joints2 swollen fingers. Menopause with hot flashes, sweating and fainting Feeling as if there is a pot boiling on the inside of the body that is relieved by the sweat of his head worse on the left side dizziness and fainting hot flushing sensation of constriction in the throat and abdomen3. Loss of libido during menopause Heavy, irregular periods, leading to possible dryness menopause vaginal candidiasis cause pain during sexual intercourse4. Menopause with hot flushes in heat Flushing, whether in a warm room or a room full of people tend to gain weight easily and migraine headaches that are worse on the left side Desires sweets PAINGeneral foods.BREAST breast tenderness is common before a period. Localized pain may be due to an abscess or tumor. Abscesses can develop from mastitis, while lumps may be caused by fibroadenosis (thickening of breast tissue), benign tumors, or cancer.Self Help: If breastfeeding, the breast is bathed in hot water. If breast pain has other causes, reduce intake of animal fats, tea and caffeine, fatty fish and meat substitutes and dairy products products.CAUTION: If you are breastfeeding and have chest pain, especially if is accompanied by fever, see a doctor within 24 hours. If the nipple or breast changes, or if a hard, sensitive areas and develops, consult a physician immediately.SPECIFIC disease: 1. Stitch is sensitive breast even touched breast is sensitive to the slightest touch of the breast is swollen and pain in the desire to push the nipple breast hard with your legs feel strong hands Possible reduction in sex drive2. Breast is hard and swollen breast is hard and swollen, and feels as if it might be the formation of an abscess in the least discomfort possible motion headache, but rare break any thirst Great constipation.CYSTITISThis term is generally used to describe an increased frequency of urination with the pain, but adequate cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder due to infection of the intestine. It may be accompanied by fever and a burning sensation when urinating. Cystitis affects mainly women, the female urethra is short and easily invaded by germs. The condition may be exacerbated by stress, antibiotics, contraceptives, poor nutrition, food allergy, personal hygiene, underwear and socks or sexual intercourse.Self Help: to increase alkalinity by drinking 10 fluid ounces (300 ml) of cold water every minute 20. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol. Cystitis can be aggravated by certain foods, like asparagus, beets, citrus, strawberries, milk, ice cream, spicy foods, and junk food. Never suppress the urge to urinate, and be scrupulous about personal hygiene. Avoid using tampons, douches, and scented bath products. Using lubrication during intercourse. Urinating after intercourse.CAUTION: If there is pain in the kidneys or blood in urine, or if the seizure lasts more than 48 hours, see a AILMENT1 doctor.SPECIFIC. Cystitis with cuts, burns, burning pains, cutting in the lower abdomen constant need to urinate and a feeling as if the bladder can not empty properly only small amounts of urine passed Pain in lower Back2. Cystitis with irritability Only small amounts of urine are passed Chilliness3 despite frequent urging. Cystitis with a feeling of resentment Feeling as if a drop of urine is constantly leaking through the urethra Possible association with urinary tract surgery or vaginal invasion, including sexual THRUSHThrush intercourse.VAGINAL is caused by a fungus Candida albicans. Symptoms include tingling or pain in the vagina and vulva, discharge, and frequent urination. Acidification, infection fighting the bacteria that occur naturally in the vagina can be destroyed by antibiotics, contraceptives, vaginal deodorants, douches and medicated. Thrush is aggravated by stress, overwork, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, and wearing tight clothes.Self Help: Avoid potential irritants. Rub with detergent underwear without salt before washing. Lubrication and condom use during sex. Allow air to reach the vagina as often as possible. Avoid sugar and yeast. Follow antibiotics with a supplement of acidophilus (such as live yoghurt). Douche the vagina three times a day with 5 ounces (150 g) plain yogurt diluted in 1 quart (liter) of boiled, cooled water or a dilute solution of fresh lemon juice or vinegar (1 tablespoon) and water ( 10 fl oz/300 ml). Acidifying preparations are available over the counter.CAUTION: If symptoms persist, consult a AILMENT1 doctor.SPECIFIC. Thrush with vulvar itching worse before menstruation Itchy vagina and vulva is worse after urination and menstruation before vaginal warts possible chronic headache or increased potential appetite2. Thrush with discharge that is worse after intercourse Itchy vagina and vulva white, with offensive odor is worse after intercourse pain and burning in the vagina labia3 possible ulceration. Thrush with rectal itching itching in the rectum and anus around the offensive odor, yellow or white vaginal discharge vaginal pain during sex Alternating constipation and flatulence and diarrhea. VAGINISMUSThis is a rare condition in which the muscles surrounding the entrance of the vagina contract. This makes sexual intercourse, medical examination of the vagina, using tampons or painful or even impossible. The spasms may be accompanied by back arching and straightening and drawing together of the legs. Vaginismus usually occurs in women who are concerned about the penetration of the vagina as a result of a previous medical condition or consideration, trauma including sexual abuse, or psychological factors like fear or guilt associated with sexual intercourse.Self Help : Practice relaxation techniques, meditation or yoga before any vaginal invasion.CAUTION: If symptoms persist, consult your physician for a referral to a gynecologist or a psychosexual AILMENT1 therapist.SPECIFIC. Extreme sensitivity to the vagina and vulva sensitivity of the vagina and vulva sexual desire increased despite the possible symptoms of urinary retention, constipation accompanied by abdominal cramping pains2. Vaginismus after a medical examination extreme sensitivity to the vagina and vulva bladder3 Possible irritation. The pain secondary to vaginismus Vaginismus is spasmodic and erratic itching of the vulva extending into the vagina Possible association with a lump in the throat. SICKNESSNausea morning and vomiting are common during pregnancy, especially in the first pregnancy. It is believed that hormone levels change during pregnancy trigger the vomiting center in the brain. Women often experience nausea and vomiting during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, although not necessarily only in the mornings. The symptoms usually disappear in about 14 to 16 weeks, although some women throw excess (hyperemesis), which can cause dehydration and chemical imbalances in the body. This condition can, in worst cases, require hospitalization.Self Help: Eat small, frequent meals and avoid fatty foods. If disease immediately after waking up, eating a cracker before getting out of bed. The use of fresh ginger in the kitchen can also help. An acupressure band, available in pharmacies, worn around the wrist, may also be effective. Get plenty of rest.CAUTION: If vomiting after most meals, see a AILMENT1 doctor.SPECIFIC. Nausea Nausea with a thick coated tongue is worse in the morning vomiting of small amounts of food with mucus Tonnage Dry mouth twitching and tongue coated thick Desire for fresh, fatty, spicy or acidic foods and an aversion to bread, meat, tobacco2 coffee. Nausea is worse at night Nausea that worsens during the evening, but disappears at night, dry mouth, thirst but the lack of digestion is upset by the rich, fatty foods below sternum pressure after meals foods3 Desires sweets. Constant nausea with clean tongue Nausea not relieved by vomiting Tongue feels clean and not lacking profuse salivacoated fainting.LABOR possible PAINSPain thirst is experienced in childbirth, as a result of uterine contractions that move to baby through the birth canal during labor. For most working women is a painful issue for some is unbearable. This may be because they have great sensitivity to pain or because the fetus is positioned so that the uterus has to work harder than usual to push the baby. Labor pain can be exacerbated by exhaustion, fear, anxiety and sometimes anger. Homeopathic treatment aims to calm emotions and to relieve pain and exhaustion.Self Help: Learn the techniques psychoprophylaxis (preventive measures that combine constructive positive thinking and breathing) to prenatal classes. They can help restore a sense of control in what may be an alarming situation. If they are very sensitive to pain, learn other relaxation techniques and consider acupuncture or AILMENT1 hypnotherapy.SPECIFIC. Labor pains with hypersensitivity to pain which seem so painful contractions that causes involuntary shouting and crying2. Labor pains with great irritability ineffective contractions pain that extends into the rectum with a frequent need to pass gas, urine or feces that causes spasms of pain in the neck of the uterus, which expands pains with properly3.Labor a constant need for reassurance and compassion Work is progressing slowly Chilliness.BREAST power PROBLEMSSeveral problems may arise during breastfeeding. The breasts may be too full for the baby to latch on to a nipple properly. Expressing milk before feeding can solve this problem. Milk may be too thin or have a flavor that the baby does not like. This may be due to the diet of mothers insubstantial, anxiety, exhaustion, or strongtasting food you've eaten. Breast pain as the baby may be due to inflammation of the breast tissue, an abscess or cracked Help nipple.Self: Bathroom cracked and sore nipples after each feeding with a solution of calendula and hypericum (10 drops of 10 fl oz / 300 ml boiled, cooled water). Do not use soap. Clean and thoroughly dry the teats and applying hypericum and calendula ointment. Leave them exposed to air regularly. Use of breast shields during pregnancy to get nipples.CAUTION inverted: If there is congestion or hardness, chest pain, fever and painful glands under the arms, see a doctor within 12 Ailment 1 hours.SPECIFIC. Throbbing, swollen breasts, or hardness of sinus congestion, with red streaks on the breast skin sensation of strong heat, the dry skin mastitis or breast abscess2 possible. Pain when baby nurses, the wrath of the mother Swollen nipples that are very sensitive to touch great pain as the baby suckles3. Milk engorged breasts is poor baby has difficulty latching on to a nipple breasts are so full that cause many potential discomfort chills or sweating, especially if the mother is content free Homeopathic overweight.Some receivables. Some important Homeopathic Medicine for Female Trouble: 1. Pulsatilla pratensis desire DELAYED first menstruation High . . Rules can easily control, agr. Wet feet . painful menstruation, delayed, irregular, changing, SHORT. Sexual desire increased labor pains . ineffective, malpresentation . fetus.2 changing. Bovista diarrhea, before and during menses.Menses too early and profuse, worse at sensation.Leucorrhoea night.Voluptuous acrid, thick, hard, greenish, still menses.Cannot wearing tight clothing around the waist [Lach.] Footprints menstruation.Soreness mensesbetween of the pubis during menses.Metrorrhagia; Parovarian cysts.3. Increased desire CalcareaCARB. Masturbation . dysmenorrhea. Menses too early, too profuse, too long. Dark, clotted . METRORHAGIA less emotion . fibroids in the uterus myoma. Polyps . Leucorrhoea vagina, itching, burning, agg. before or after menstruation, urination, effort; weakening.4. PLATINUM METALLICUMhypersexual. Nymphomania . Early masturbation in children (Gran, Med, Orig, Staph) . Voluptuous itching of the genitalia . hypersensitive and painful to touch, avoiding intercourse or examination . cysts, ovarian tumors, agr. side . Malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, testes, external genitalia . . numbness dysmenorrhea, menses too early, profuse, dark, clotted, stringy, with bearing down and painful sensitivity of the parties. 5. Sepia officinalis aversion to sex, agr. hormonal changes. Inability to have orgasm. Frigidity . painful intercourse. The pain to the vaginal leukorrhea . serious, even in girls. Agr vaginitis. pregnancy with very itchy . prolapse of the uterus. TAKING DOWNAmel. Sitting crosslegged (LilT, Murx) . The premenstrual syndrome. Menses scanty. Dysmenorrhea. Amenorrhea . . Condylomata infertility. HABITUAL ABORTIONS third to fifth months . Very sensitive to movements in the fetus and the uterus to play for you . Tight labour.6. PurpureaALTO MUREX sexual desire. CONTACT Nymphomania.LEAST causes violent sexual excitement (Plat) or pain . Aware of the uterus (Melon). Touch cervix, bleeding when touched . uterine prolapse. Sensation of protrusion. Supports the abdomen with hands.amel. Pressing the vulva (Lilt, September), agr. lying (Puls). You should keep your legs perfectly crossed (Lilt, September) . Cervical cancer . Irregular menses, very frequent, abundant, with clots. AMEL Headache. mental emotional symptoms . Pain in right side of the uterus, ovarian region to breast.Pains shot upwards to the left of the uterus. br br