Chronic disease is a progressive phenomenon, from the mind, according to the working level and, finally, to structural changes in the physical body. Thus, in order to effect a cure at the deepest level must correct the imbalance in the mind / life force.The principal object or purpose of treatment is the restoration of normal functional equilibrium health.The basis of the prescription must be all symptoms that represent the functional disorder the abnormal process of the disease itself is not Ultimates or quot; finalesquot products;. The prescribing physician for any tangible product of the disease (eg recurrent tonsillitis, piles, fistula, kidney and gallbladder stones, small size uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, warts, corns, skin diseases, etc.) is diverting their energies and doomed to failure. These diseases are repeated until and unless the tendency to develop diseases such has been removed. Homeopathic treatment eliminates the recurrence of the disease while treating condition.Physicians constantly mistaking the product for the disease process. The product can only be changed by modifying the process defective product that causes the disease. Destroy the product does not change the process. Correcting the flawed process and the product will take care of itself. Morbid functioning causing those effects must be changed. The cause of the disease is a dynamic problem.Disease is essentially and primarily a morbid disturbance of the powers dynamic and vital functions, resulting in a loss of functional and organic balance. Only bioelectric therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathic remedies have the inherent power to correct the dynamic imbalance of the vital force. Any action of other drugs on the basis of chemistry the molecular level. Acupuncture Homeopathy remedies act on the basis of physics electrons, which act in a more subtle level. (The electrons are subelements of molecules). Cures do not consist of simply removing the outer, secondary, tangible products of the disease, but in restoring the dynamic balance so that body functions are normal and the patient is in a state of health. br br