Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learn more about our infertility program go Randine http://www.acupunctureforinfertility.netArticle by Lewis,

Learn more about our infertility program go Randine http://www.acupunctureforinfertility.netArticle by Lewis, Ph.D., endometriosis and fibroids Lic.Ac.What do have in common Both have their place in preventing conception, and both are sensitive to fluctuations in estrogen. There is no cure for any Westerner, except hysterectomy. Oriental medicine, however, gives them a common denominator they are both considered the processes of inhibition, stagnated uterine blood that flows freely. Menstruation is blocked, and the normal process has become blocked. Women with any of these conditions often experience a sedimentlike flow of menstrual blood dark brown with blood clots, which have been allowed to oxidize. The rest of the body's immune system responds and reacts to the slimy, bloodold. Our conscience neuroendocrine greater. Remember, our body's immune priority is to keep us safe from external or internal insults. It recognizes the status of toxic chemicals and mounts to clean up debris. It is known that a fetus will not survive in this environment.Luckily, both conditions respond very well to Chinese medicine. Given time and proper treatment, the blood flow will improve, the sediment will be deleted, and the body will overcome immunological mechanisms of protection. Our psychoneuroendocrine system is established. Our body can relax and allow conception to take place.EndometriosisEndometriosis described as the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the endometrium. Endometrial cells are found in the lining of the uterus. When these cells are found in areas outside the uterus, is the diagnosis of endometriosis. Although the disease has been present throughout history, was first identified in 1860. In 1960, the mechanism of the disease was first described by the discovery and use of laparoscopy in France. Endometriosis is therefore a surgical diagnosis. Modern science does not know why the endometrial cells are found elsewhere. One theory of its origin is explained by retrograde menstruation. When a woman is supposed to menstruation and the blood must be discharged vaginally, is returned through pipes and into the abdominal cavity. However, this happens in most women and most women do not have endometriosis. Another hypothesis is that anatomical abnormalities such as retrouterine and cervical small openings do not allow blood to pass through freely, and therefore supports other areas of the theory of the origins pelvis.Another cause of endometriosis is that other cells outside the uterus are transformed by an unknown stimulus in cells of the endometrium. Whatever the etiology, the endometrial cells misplaced then respond to hormonal stimuli as well as the endometrium is assumed. However, during menstruation there is no way that menstrual blood from leaking out. The pain, sometimes severe, is the result. Prostaglandins are said to be the causative factor in menstrual pain. Painful periods are an indication of endometriosis is possible, and women with endometriosis have higher levels of some prostaglandins. The tissue adhesions can also cause bleeding and scars tissue.Common sites of endometriosis include the cervix, vagina, rectum space, ovaries, fallopian tubes, colon and bladder wall.Common accompanying symptoms are dysmenorrhea, bleeding uterine pathology, and bleeding at other sites the endometrium during menstruation. Some women bleed in places as distant as the nasopharynx during menstruation and nosebleeds during menstruation. Endometriosis is classified in terms of endometriosis severity.Mild Implants are small, flat patches of endometrial tissue growing outside of its normal endometriosis location.Moderate includes quot; chocolatequot cysts; for endometriosis may be smaller than a pea or larger than a grapefruit, which is within ovary.Severe endometriosis in some cases, bands of fibrous scar tissue (adhesions) to bind the pelvic organs together.Interestingly enough, except for obvious mechanical obstruction severe endometriosis, there seems no real correlation between the severity of endometriosis and its impact on fertility. However, almost half of women who have been diagnosed with infertility, endometriosis was found in laparoscopic examination.Some women actually have no symptoms at all, and the diagnosis is made only by laparoscopy. Symptoms that may accompany endometriosis are abnormally heavy bleeding associated with back pain or abdominal pain, painful intercourse, bowel or painful urination during menstruation and inability to become a medical treatment usually includes pregnant.Western medications to relieve pain, laparoscopy and laser removal of endometrial tissue. Other drugs may be used to control the hormonal stimulation of endometriosis. As cessation of menstruation each month, endometrial tissue is misplaced deprived of hormonal stimulation, and thus calm the response of endometriosis. Of course, also stopped ovulation in this process, which expires at our present purpose.The View EndometriosisEndometriosis Traditional Chinese Medical treatment of endometriosis and static blood and not a disease category in traditional Chinese medicine. However, our Eastern healers have recognized this disease for far longer than their identification in Western medicine. He is known for its symptoms and menstrual pain is known as motion. It is also highly susceptible to natural forms of treatment.The Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials from the Golden Cabinet), quot; Press several diseases of women, Treatment patterns chapter quot;, has this description: quot;'s blood menstruation is inhibited and there (resulting) lower abdominal fullness and pain. quot; Chinese medicine classifies endometrial lesions static blood, or blood is not flowing as it should, and therefore cause problems. This is not so different from our Western understanding of the disease. Since blood libeled is located in an environment where normal blood flow is often absent or minimal, our body has a harder time solving it. The Chinese therefore say that these conglomerates stasica blood vessels have entered the network, which are more difficult to achieve. This is an important aspect of how we address this syndrome.Other countries around the world recognize endometriosis as an autoimmune diasan. The renowned gynecologist Dr. Ni reported that in his experience as a gynecologist MD in China, most women who underwent laparoscopy had some degree of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, which was found in several locations throughout the abdominal category. What sets aside women with endometriosis is impaired fertility quot; situquot inspections, or inflammatory reaction resulting from the presence of endometrial tissue outside of his initial reaction and intended site.The inflammatory that the agency has created in response to the endometrial tissue in an attempt to quot; limpiarloquot;, causes the immune system reaction to the cells that form the lining of the uterus. The error then begins to reside in the immune system, which is unable to eliminate the misplaced tissue. The immune system loses its control discriminatory and can not distinguish between self and nonself. In regard to fertility, this creates a toxic environment in the uterus, it leads to a study immunopharmacological embryo.An implementation of a herbal medicine known as antiendometriotic Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, was conducted by four researchers in Osaka City University Medical School Japan.The in patients with endometriosis had elevated serum IgM titers. A control group was treated with therapy to suppress leuproride acetate hormone production (a common approach to the west of endometriosis is to suppress the hormonal stimulation). The treated group was given an herbal formula antiemdometriotic Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, which consists of ramulus cinnamomi cassiae, Poriae Sclerotium Cocos, Radis Paeoniae, Cortex radicis Mouta and semen persicae. This formula has historically been used in China to treat bleeding during pregnancy due to stagnation of blood in the uterus, or to prevent miscarriage. Later indications include the treatment of immune and inflammatory diseases of the uterus, including dysmenorrhea, leiomyoma (uterine fibroids), ovarian cysts, pelvic and inflammatoy salpingitis, and Lupron endometriosis.The group treated with low levels of estradiol, but no change in IgM antibody titer. The treated group had no changes in estradiol levels, but levels of IgM antibody titer was decreased and the patients remained free of symptoms for months.From, quot; A study on the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea with Jia Jia Lu Wei Tang (Added Flavors Mirra's Blood Decoction) and its effect on prostaglandins and related factors quot; by Zhu NanSun, Hui Huang, HuiChen Lin, aHong Yi Za Zhi (The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine), # 2, 1994, p. 99101: This article on the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in 95 women who were divided into two groups. One group received the herbal formula Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang as a treatment for dysmenorrhea and the other group, which acted as a control group, received indomethacin. Furthermore, serum levels of different prostaglandins were compared before and after treatment to 30 women who were considered normal. The authors begin this report by stating that the mechanism of disease associated with primary dysmenorrhea is stasis. Therefore, destination Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang is to strengthen the blood and transform stasis, to break the stagnation of qi and move. However, from a point of view of modern Western medicine, this treatment achieves its effect by regulating prostaglandins.All serum 95 women in this study who received treatment suffered from primary dysmenorrhea. The 30 women is normal, you have no menstrual pain than normal, biphasic basal body temperature. Of those who suffer from painful periods, 87 cases had menstrual cycles lasting from 2535 days, while eight cases had menstrual cycles lasting 3545 days. Four cases with few rules, 56 rules of medium, and 35 cases were too heavy menses. Ninety women's periods lasted seven days or less and five cases lasted more than seven days. Regarding the evolution of the disease, 31 cases had dysmenorrhoea for less than five years, 47 cases from five to ten years, and seventeen cases for over ten years. In addition, 20 cases of pain experienced before the onset of their periods, during their periods of 89, and two after their periods. Five had had children and 90 had failed. In terms of the intensity of their pain, 61 suffered from severe pain and 34 moderate pain. And as to their pattern of discrimination, there were 49 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis, 17 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis and accompanied by cold, 19 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis and accompanied by heat, and 10 cases of qi stagnation and blood stasis accompanied vacuity.Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang consisted of uncooked Typha pollen, feces Trogpterori Seu Pteromi, citri Reticulatae Viride Pericarpiuym, Sparganii Rhizome, Rhizoma Curcumae Zedoariae, Fructus CRATAEGI, Olibani Resin, Resin Myrrha, and powdered Sanguis Draconis.The 63 women in the group receiving Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang received 50 ml of this decoction orally twice daily beginning two weeks before the due date of your period , calculated by the increase in basal body temperature. From the administration was continued until the first day of your period, the total number of days of this decoction was administered every 15year cycle, and a course of treatment equalized three months.The 32 women in the group receiving indomethacin were given this drug beginning three days before the start of your period or 12 days after your basal body temperature rose. It took 25 mg. of indomethacin orally, three times per day. Since they also took the drug during the first day of your period, imdomethacin took a total of four days per cycle, and also a course of treatment lasted three months. The 30 normal women received no medication during the course of this study.In the Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang group before treatment, 39 had severe pain and 24 moderate pain. After treatment, two cases still had severe pain, 17 experienced moderate pain, and 18 cases of mild pain. In the indomethacin group, 22 had severe pain and 10 moderate pain. After treatment 1, severe pain, moderate pain, 9, and 17 mild pain. Thus, the rate of improvement for the group of Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang was 80.4% compared with 73.3% for indomethacin group.In terms of serum analysis, there was a positive correlation between severity of dysmenorrhea and PGF 2a and PGE content in menstrual blood. Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang substantially decreased the content of the blood and the ratio of PGF 2a and PGE 2. In addition, significantly reduced the contents of an E phase 2 (a type of estrogen) secreted by the corpus luteum and is in the peripheral blood but increased significantly the content of the final phase of progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum. Indomethacin, on the other hand, has shown a remarkable effect on estrogen or progesterone.Categories for treating endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, or divide, as: * * Qi Stagnation damp heat stagnation and stagnation of qi * Spleen empty empty Kidney Yang * * * Mixing Vacuum Heat Cold Blood, emptiness and fullness includes and yang or qi vacuity, blood stasis and stagnation of qi. [For this category, if you include digestive disorders, and the presentation includes an irregular coating tongue (geographic tongue), the prescription of Wu Mei Wan has been found to be effective emperically.] In each case, the employer must be treated using the principles diet, categories of herbal and acupuncture treatments based on diagnostic presentation.Endometriosis is a lifelong disease, stasis into the deeper vessels of the network. When a permanent disease enters the network vessels is advisable to employ the use of resins such as frankincense and myrrh with treatment.The Jing Yue Quan Shu ([Zhang] JingYue Complete Writings), quot; regulation of women : sangrequot agglomerations;, says the chapter remains static blood stagnates and becomes time concretions. This pattern can be casue during or after childbirth may be due to internal damage generating cold, cold wind outside invasion, rage and anger damage the liver, counterflow qi and blood stagnation, for long tax, long the weak and weak Qi does not move [the blood.] So, sometimes the blood moves and sometimes it has almost nothing. You can also upstream, leading to retention and stagnation that accumulates for days, gradually becoming concretions.The Zheng Zhi Zheng Sheng (Restraing proven treatments patterns), quot; sangrequot agglomerations;, says the chapter (paraphrased) : If no cluster of blood collection, will be back pain and inability to bend, Qi accumulation below the pubic bone, stonelike hardness, tension in the lower abdomen, pain, bitterness, pain the upper spine and come back across into the lower back and abdominal spasms in the vagina, cervix isolated, delayed menses. This disease is found in people with infertility. If the treatment precipitates the conglomerates can be literary cured.The above CITES and endometriosis all share the same symptoms. In endometriosis is not production of nodules and lumps in the body. In TCM, this relates to blood pooling in becoming stagnation, stasis and accumulation of concretions and become conglomerates. Very often, the major method for the treatment of endometriosis is to accelerate the blood and transform stasis. In all cases, the underlying pattern to be treated as well.Endometriosis also correlates with a scenario of estrogen dominance. Estrogen feeds endometriosis. Many women with endometriosis have lower levels of progesterone as well. It is therefore important to help the body to clear itself if excess estrogen. The liver metabolizes estrogen, so methods that solve the liver qi stagnation will help the body in clearing excess estrogen. The use in the stimulation of acupuncture points Participate Valley, located between the pons between the base of the thumb and first finger bone of each hand, and great noise, which is in the depression in the foot about an inch by over the network between the big and second years toes.EMILY31 Emily presented to the clinic with a chief complaint of painful periods and trying to conceive without success for five years. She was accompanied by her husband, and seemed very Shakey and annoying. She had had a diagnosis of endometriosis from her gynecologist. He had two surgeries, one of CC with myomectomy and laparoscopy to remove adhesions on the ovaries and uterus laft the first 13 months operation. She had just completed his third attempt at intrauterine insemination after twelve cycles of Clomid, all of which failed. He said he was very sensitive to the effects of exogenous progesterone. He was discharged from the protocol of your last reproductive endocrinologist because she refused to receive more injections. He said the stress of fertility procedures was driving insane.Her menstruation began at the age of 17 (late menarche indicates a weakness of the reproductive function of the kidney), have always been painful. The pain usually lasts two to 12 days, starting immediately after ovulation and continuing through the first two days of menstruation. She bled around five days, the bleeding was heavy, dark red to black in color, with clotting. Menstrual blood is increasingly clear from day one to six, beginning with strong crimson black goes with clots and eventually became orange and watery. Then the blood sometimes became brown and little in the end, and sometimes stood up to ten days. There was excessive premenstrual tension, breast tenderness and acne. They often suffer from yeast infections and vaginal discharge. She became very tired around ovulation to the point of physical exhaustion. He had back pain before and during menstruation. She experienced pain defacation.Emily stools and had a very stressful occupation. He also stated that had excessive facial hair, although there was none. The fallopian tubes are clear, as by their gynecologist report. She chills, cloudy urine, frequent urination, frequent urinary tract infections, chills, low energy, dizziness, fatigue, excessive thirst, insomnia, irritability, a clear mind, anxiety, palpitations, fear, sadness, uncontrollable crying, aversion to cold, much phlegm production, nausea, bloating and gas, irregular heartbeat, numbness in the arms, hands and feet, lack of strength, thin skin, easy bruisability, broken blood vessels, dry skin, brittle nails, and the low sexual energy. Felt dizzy when he stood up and when I had bad night vision. His ears were ringing from time to time. There was extreme emotional lability.Emily seemed thin and fragile, but agitated. She clenched her teeth and spoke as if she was going to mourn. Her husband was always ready to comfort her. She was not sure if acupuncture could handle because he was quot; very sensitive to agujas.quot; His tongue was pale pink with orange edges.Her pulse was superficial and tense. The appearance of the kidney was deep pulse and Emily weak.I diagnosed with depression of liver qi stagnation, depressive heat, spleen qi and kidney yang vacuity, blood stasis and liver and blood empty heart (perhaps because of, but it definitely complicates the stagnation of qi and blood). He lived out of town, so it is going to have to design a treatment plan that requires his presence at the clinic only once per month.Treatment decided not to try acupuncture on it, but gave her instruction and her husband on dietary therapy, breathing exercises, massage and techniques.I gave a formula which consists of: * Fructus Meliae Toosendan and Rhizoma Corydalis yanhusuo to disseminate and regulate the liver qi, the escape of heat and relieve pain * incense and myrrh, to invigorate the blood in the most difficult to achieve, the first month vessels.After network reported that Emily had a little more energy throughout the month (as the stagnation of Qi was the solution), but still had voiding frequent nocturnal and very thirsty (signs of heat). Their pain, however, was decreased. His pulse was tense and fast, but still weak. His tongue was purplishred (heat signs.) The second month I gave a formula consisting of: Bupleurum base base base Angelicae Sinensis Rhixoma Paeoniae Lactifloriae * Poriae Cocos Sclerotium Atractylodes Macrocephalae * * * Gardeniae Fructus Cortex radicis Jasminoidis Mouta * Basic Formula extends GlycyrrhizaeThis liver qi, strengthens spleen, nourishes the blood, and clears heat.She reported after the second month it had almost no pain before or during menstruation. She continued to experience an improvement in the next three months until he felt no pain at or after ovulation. His mood improved the pain began to chart their basal body temperature diminished.Emily after she began her herbal treatment. Your basal body temperature change of a sawtooth, a biphasic erratic behavior, healthy hormonal cycle.Six months after treatment began, Emily and her husband decided to try another insemination. I had the experience of extreme emotional libility this procedure, and she became pregnant. Now the parents of a young healthy son.Uterine Fiboids FibriodUterine or fibroids are benign tumors in approximately 20% of women over 35 years of age. Uterine fibroids are the most common tumor of the female reproductive organs and are associated with menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and may impair fertility problems.Fibroids of conception if they obstruct the uterine cavity or the entry into the uterus of the tubes tubes.One Chinese study by Zhongli and traditional Chinese medicinal Shurong used to treat 223 cases of uterine fibroids. All patients had visual symptoms and were diagnosed clinically by pelvic examination and confirmed by ultrasound .* Treatment was provided according to the pattern diffentiation imbalance, with the participation of the principles of invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis , clear heat and induration .* suftening People diagnosed with yin deficiency and liver fire were also given herbs to complement the yin and clear liver fire .* People diagnosed with spleen qi vacuity also given herbs to supplement the spleen qi and talus as codonopsis .* Herbs have been added Qi and blood stagnation .* The herbs were administered after menstruation. The authors report a 72% reduction in the amount of menstrual blood. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, leucorrhoea, and back pain were improved in 58.8%. The overall efficacy rate was 92.4%. Fibroids completely disappeared in 13% of cases were markedly decreased by 29%, slightly reduced in 19% and unchanged in 28%. Acupuncture and acupressure are also recommended in the treatment of fibroids, using the items recommended for blood stasis and uterus. The stimulation provided by acupuncture has been found to induce regression of pathological proliferating cells locally. Humoral factors in control distal acupoint, stimulating growth and preventing local and regeneration of proliferating cells (which strengthen the blood) also affects the growth of systemic tumors.As distance with all Chinese medical treatments, however, more effective results will result from the treatment regimen. I treated a woman for a large fibroid (the size of a grapefruit), and the tumor was reduced only in response to tone the spleen and resolving dampness. When I tried to strengthen the blood, I got no effect on all.Other Natural Treatments for endometriosis and uterine Fibriods * Rest and wear loose, comfortable clothing * Perform deep breathing exercises and meditation practices * Take warm baths (with aromatherapy if desired.) * The use of essential oils like frankincense, myrrh, sage, mint, lavender, rosemary and thyme .* Use a heating pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen * Apply warm castor oil packs in the abdomen to strengthen the blood, help the lymphatic symptoms and balance hormone levels. Apply warm castor oil to the lower abdomen and cover with plastic two to three times per day during the premenstrual and menstrual period .* Take herbal supplements that strengthen the blood (and the concomitant patterns to solve, as appropriate.) * Avoid all foods that have been treated hormonally .* Eat soy and soy products like tofu .* Buy only organic fruits and vegetables .* Avoid refined and hydrogenated oils rancid .* Use only unprocessed vegetable fatty acids .* Use oils rich in linoleic and alphalinolenic fatty acids like flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and seed oils of sage, but only if recently coldpressed and refined include dietary spirulina .* The Evening primrose oil and blackcurrant seed oil and borage black. * Avoid sources arachodonic acid, which comes from animal meats, dairy products, eggs, peanuts and algae .* Reduce the amount of animal products, diet, except fish .* If you eat meat, make sure it is for least organic, and hormonally untreated .* Eat nuts, dark green, saffron and cold crops .* crimate Foods that are especially good for resolving blood stasis include: kelp, lemons, onions, moss Ireland and bladderwrack.Supplement your diet with antioxidants (vitamins C, E, betacarotene, selenium, zinc) include superantioxidants (grape seed extract, pine bark extract, red wine extract, bilberry extract) , which contain procyanidins, caffeic and ferulic acid with antiinflammatory and spasmolytic activity shown (Kohama, MD, and Suzuki, MD), fibroids and endometriosis benefit from the use of Omega3 fatty acids in the diet. Fish oil and flaxseed oil are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil prevents abnormal blood clotting. If your menstrual blood contains clotty tissue, supplementation with fish oil, flaxseed oil and primrose oil (which also contain gammalinolenic acid or Omega 6). Meditation and visualization of blood in the Statis UteruExercise 1 for the follicular phasePerform this exercise daily, between the first day of menstruation until only.Step ovulation 1. Establish, on his back, eyes closed. Relax and breathe deeply. Notice any areas of tension you feel in your body from head to neck, your arms and hands through his torso, below your abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. Tense the tight areas on your body, even more, one by one. Breathing, inhaling deeply down into the lower abdomen. Empuje su est�mago hacia afuera cuando se inhala Enfoque su atenci�n en la tensi�n en su cuerpo, a continuaci�n, apriete los m�sculos de la zona, aun m�s, y relajarse plenamente como su exhalaci�n. Exhale todo el camino, desinflando su abdomen al exhalar. Respirar la tensi�n en su cuerpo a trav�s de la breath.Focus su atenci�n en la tensi�n, la respiraci�n y la relajaci�n. Nothing more. Cuando la tensi�n en esa parte de su cuerpo se ha ido, pasar a la siguiente parte. Cuando se sienta relajado todo su cuerpo y su mente est� clara, comenzar la visualizaci�n. Continuar con el ejercicio de respiraci�n profunda, la respiraci�n profunda en su abdomen y relajante, con cada una de 2 exhalation.Step. Ahora el foco respirar abajo en la pelvis. Respirar dentro de su �tero. Que el �tero se�alar a la respiraci�n en s� mismo. Que estas respiraciones ser de limpieza. El �tero tiene una funci�n energ�tica. Es a la baja. Se necesita la sangre y el aliento a trav�s de la parte superior, y les permite salir hacia abajo a trav�s de la parte inferior. Piense en el �tero como receptivo, esponja de �rganos. Se basa en la sangre y la energ�a a trav�s de la respiraci�n para preparar un jard�ncomo en su casa para su implantaci�n. Imagen de un exuberante jard�n cubierto de musgo. Con cada aliento, de traer purificaci�n de la energ�a a trav�s de la parte superior del �tero. Con cada exhalaci�n, exhala las impurezas hacia abajo por la parte inferior del �tero. Cualquier dolor, las toxinas, las impurezas se liberan a la baja, con cada respiraci�n. Ustedes est�n ayudando a preparar a estos un entorno de lujo para su implantaci�n. Se trata de un puro, floreciente, hogar abundante. Es abierto, receptivo y f�rtil. No puede permitirse el lujo de fomentar las toxinas. Ponerlos en libertad. Cuando el �tero se siente m�s puro, abierto y receptivo, se le finished.Exercise 2 para el phasePractice l�tea esta meditaci�n y la visualizaci�n de la ovulaci�n hasta la menstruaci�n begins.Perform Paso 1 de arriba. Practique esta meditaci�n y la visualizaci�n de la ovulaci�n hasta begins.Step la menstruaci�n 2. Respire profundamente y concentrarse en llevar el aliento de su nariz y por la l�nea media del cuerpo, entre los senos, por el abdomen y, finalmente, centra su respiraci�n hasta la regi�n de dos pulgadas por debajo de su ombligo. Esto se llama el Tien Dan. Deje que la respiraci�n here.At energ�a piscina al final de la inhalaci�n, poner el foco de la zona de debajo de su ombligo hasta el �tero. Respira en la limpieza, purificaci�n de respiraciones en el �tero y, despu�s, a los m�sculos perineales. Realizar un ejercicio de Kegel, el endurecimiento de los m�sculos perineales. Esto deber�a ser un suave y continuo movimiento, con la limpieza respirar adentro. Conc�ntrese en el revestimiento del �tero. Es pura, exuberante y f�rtil. Es receptiva. Cada respiraci�n trae dulce, la energ�a clara en el �tero, reavivando con revestimiento sana y f�rtil. Cuando suelte el Kegel, comienza exhalation.During exhalaci�n, a su vez el foco de su atenci�n desde el �tero a la punta del c�ccix, y luego hasta la columna vertebral en la parte superior de la cabeza. Su concentraci�n ahora est� en el movimiento ascendente. La exhalaci�n debe terminar centrando su atenci�n por la l�nea media de la cabeza y sali� por la nariz. Repita el procedimiento desde el comienzo de la etapa 2 con cada inhalaci�n nuevo, hasta que el proceso se convierte en una suave y continuo movimiento. br br