I had an experience horific FET transfer all my past, so bad I was screaming screams of agony. It was not my usual FS was doing the transfer of the FS had was horrible, which I think just added to the terrible time. br Needless to say, led to a BFN, so I had an appointment with my regular doctor a couple of weeks to discuss the problems we had with the transfer. This was the transfer of # 5 for me, I never had any problems in the past. I had a S / C with my daughter asked if this could be why there was so much pain. My doctor advised me that said it was unlikely that the fullness of the bladder has a lot to do with the position of your uterus sits in when they transfer too much or too little can be a source of problem. And I have a retroverted uterus means that she leans back. I know that when I had made the transfer, I felt like I was going to explode at all. With my previous transfers that actually sent me to the bathroom to empty some, but did not this time. I'm about to return to a fresh IVF cycle next month so I hope I have the same experience again. br Did you speak with your FS, may make an internal ultrasound to make sure everything looks good I know what happened for him not to wish on anyone, I hope you have a better experience next time. br br