Wednesday, October 7, 2009

������������� I check my 4 weeks until Wednesday. The doctor said

������������� I check my 4 weeks until Wednesday. The doctor said the ultrasound showed the baby is perfectly fine, growing and healthy, so good. I look healthy too.The only problem ... Fibroid tumors are growing.As you can remember back on July 10, when I had my first ultrasound was found 3 fibroids. Are noncancerous tumors that grow on or in the woman's uterus. Mine are all outside. They tend to grow due to birth control pills, and for 3 pregnancy.My little friends are not really little.The two youngest were about 3 cm each and the stupidest that is in the top of my uterus was about 6.5 cm in diameter at the time July.This (20 August) ultrasound technology measures only 2 he missed the one down near my cervix. The fool is now larger than 7.5 cm and the other is 4.something cm. For those of you not to make the conversion, 7.5 cm = 3 inches.So basically behold a baseball, and two golf balls as encuantra doctor asked if he could refer to another specialist and, to get another opinion on the situation. Since my age because I am considered high risk everything ready, and now with these bugs too ... most likely means pain and discomfort for me as tumors pushing my body to another as I expand. I told the doctor, they do nothing simple.Another most likely result of fibroids is that space within me will end, and that the baby could be born a couple of weeks earlier. That's not a bad thing, is very common for babies born at 38 weeks instead of 40 other weeks.The complication, because the tumor at the top of my cervix, is that the baby could have problems arise naturally, and may require a cesarean delivery. I'm not excited about that but what is be.So B if the baby is 2 weeks earlier due to space limitations, that puts my due date from 27 December 2009 and January 10, 2010. So very well could have a Christmas or New Year baby. It will be a wonderful Winter.On a note totally superficial, I know that those fools should add weight to me. That makes me feel less concerned about weight gain during pregnancy.I also know that you have to prepare in my mind that they have finally removed surgically after the baby is born. That's a completely different adventure. LOL Tags: Maternity br br