The female infertility female infertility refers to the inability to conceive and give birth to a live baby. Infertility or failure of reproduction should be distinguished from frigidity which denotes failure to perform the sexual act or performing it imperfectly. Symptoms of female infertility psychological factors may lead to different symptoms of female infertility psychological factors like emotional stress, tension, mental depression, anxiety and fear may also result in psychosomatic sterility. This condition is usually temporary and can be corrected by psychotherapy causes of infertility in men: 1.Any current medical illness.2.Medical history (mumps, sexually transmitted diseases) .3. Surgical history (operations in the testes, inguinal hernia repair). 4.Occupation (exposure to excessive heat, toxins) .5. drugs (chemotherapy) .6. Smoking, alcohol indigestion.7.Erectile or ejaculatory difficulties. Causes of infertility in women: age is an important factor in the sub fertility.Increasing older women to reduce fertility in women and also the likelihood of success treatment.Even in a younger woman, a depleted ovarian reserve reduce conditions insufficient natural fertility.1.Gynaecological oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea ovulation, tubal damage, defects in the mucosa of the cervix, uterine fibroid disease, endometriosis, the scarcity and poor etc.2.Coital infection irregularities.4 . timing.3.Menstrual Pelvic (current or past) .5. current medical and Tuberculosis.6.Smoking, indigestion alcohol. The causes of female infertility female infertility due to physical disability female infertility may be due to physical defects, physical debility and functional faults. Sterility due to physical debility can result from poor health as a consequence of certain acute or chronic illness. Complaints like gonorrhea, syphilis and inflammation of the fallopian tubes also fall into this category. Other causes of female infertility, chronic anemia, constipation and leucorrhoea aggravate these conditions. Infertility can be caused by loss of essential glands or reproductive organs, or a decrease in their functions. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are other factors which call contribute to female infertility. Male infertility treatment female infertility treatment Banyan roots tender roots of the banyan tree is one of the valuable resources found beneficial in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defect or congenital deformities. These roots should be dried in the shade and powdered. About twenty grams of this powder should be mixed with milk, which should be five times the weight of this powder, and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over. When this medicine is given, no other food should be eaten for a short time later. This remedy should be repeated after completion of the menstrual cycle every month till conception. Treatment of infertility using Jambul leaves an infusion of fresh leaves of supply Jambul fruit is an excellent remedy for sterility or miscarriage due to an ovarian or endometrium functional disorder. The infusion can be prepared by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 20 g of fresh leaves of Jambul, and steeping for two hours. The infusion can be taken with or two teaspoons of honey or 200 ml of buttermilk. Treatment of female infertility using winter cherry winter cherry is another valuable resource herb found helpful in sterility. The herb should be powdered and six grams of this powder should be taken with a cup of milk for five to six nights after menstruation. Treatment of infertility nutrient use certain nutrients, especially vitamins C and E and zinc have been found useful in some cases of infertility. A woman who is unable to conceive should take 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 100 IU of vitamin E and 30 mg of zinc daily. Infertility Diet Seeds, nuts, curd and cottage cheese. The physical weakness and functional defects of organic nature can be cured by simple and effective methods of natural treatment, including optimal nutrition is an essential part. Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A fast short two or three days should be done at regular intervals by women who can not bear children. Diet is an important factor in the treatment of infertility. Must contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. The curd and cottage cheese are also recommended. About seventy to eighty percent of the diet should consist of raw foods in their natural state, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional value of most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans, and grains in their raw form, as in the germination process, nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. Foods to avoid excessive fat, spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods, greasy or fried foods should all be avoided. Other hot water treatment enema female infertilty intestines must be cleaned by warm water enema during the fasting period and then, when necessary. This will have a beneficial effect not only in the digestive system but also the surrounding organs of the urinary and genital system. Some Yogasanas Yogasanas is said that the tone of the gonads or ovaries should also be regular, for overcoming female sterility. These asanas are Sarvangasana, matsyasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, paschimottanasana and Shalabhasana. All these measures, together with clean habits, rest, relax and go a long way in overcoming female sterility. Mud packs and cold water treatments Other helpful measures in overcoming female sterility are mud packs and cold water treatments, such as a bath seat and a bag of wet waist. These treatments greatly improve internal circulation in the genitals and relieves them of all kinds of inflammation and other abnormalities. Mud packs can be applied to the abdomen and sexual organs. The cold hip bath should be taken for ten minutes at a water temperature of 10degree C18.3 degrees C. For a wet girdle pack, a fine lingerie started in cold water should be used. On this, a thick, dry cotton or woolen underwear should be worn. All cold treatments should be suspended during menstruation. FOR COUPLES This is what experts advise couples who are beginning to worry about their lack of success at conception. Give it a year. If you are under 28, your sex life is wonderful, and there is nothing in your medical history that points to a possible reproductive problem, our experts say keep trying for a year. quot; About 60 percent of couples conceive within six months and 90 percent in a�oquot; says Mitchell Levine, MD, an obstetrician / gynecologist with the care of women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. quot; When you get older, naturally, fertility decreases pocoquot;. Even women in their twenties do not ovulate every month, adds Joseph H. Bellina, MD, Ph.D., director of the International Institute of Omega, a fertility clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana. In the thirties, the likelihood of monthly ovulation begins to decrease. That's why the older you are, the sooner you will want to consult a specialist. Speak out. Are you sure you want while the baby, or is one of you ambivalent Our experts have had a lot of stories of couples trying to average over the years, but not conceived until the uncertainty is resolved is a partner. quot; I had a couple where the man was older, he had children from another marriage, and was not sure I wanted to be a father at this point in his life, quot; says Dr. Levine. quot; After a couple of sessions actually speaking out, he was very excited to be a father again. And then when concibi�quot;. quot; is inquietantequot;, adds Marilyn Milkman, MD, San Francisco, an obstetrician / gynecologist and clinical faculty member at the University of California, San Francisco. quot; I have had four patients come in evaluations of fertility, out the door, and gets pregnant in mesquot;. That passion take you. Forget ovulation charts, graphs of mucus, and sex on schedule until it is absolutely necessary to worry about them. If you have time, quot; llevaquot let passion, says Dr. milkman. quot; often makes mejor.quot; Ease up on your work schedule. Workaholism and constant pressure can put compression on fertility, says Dr. Levine. quot; I see a lot of career people and digoquot them, take a look at what message you are giving your body. quot; quot; For Dr. Levine, it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Your body knows that a period of extreme stress, is not an ideal time to get pregnant. Use the standard missionary position on days when you suspect that the woman is fertile. The manontop style of intercourse is best for conception, says Dr. Bellina. The woman should remain lying down for 20 minutes after your partner ejaculates. quot; I advise couples to have sex at night and then duermenquot, he says. Quit smoking. Cigarettes can impair fertility in men and women. Studies in men have shown that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to have sperm counts below the normal range, and have less of sperm motility. An English study of 17,032 women showed that the more cigarettes a woman smoked per day, less fertile than was likely to be. Researchers suspect that smoking may alter hormone levels in the body of a woman. FOR WOMEN ONLY Here are some helpful measures that women can take to help increase the chances of pregnancy. Make sure you are ovulating. Are you having regular periods If not, you can not ovulate. quot; One key to ovulation is the marked change in the middle of the cervical mucus through cicloquot, says Dr. milkman. quot; The mucus will be thin, watery and claraquot;. Other signs include premenstrual breast tenderness, cramps, and what the Germans call mittelschmerzovulation pain, she says. Another way to test ovulation is a kit that you buy at the pharmacy. The kit, which reads the levels of the hormone release of ovulation in the urine, only 50 percent effective when used morning and night, says Dr. Bellina. Kits are available only through your doctor's office tend to be more precise. The best time to test is between 10:00 am and noon. If you get a positive result of the first month of using it, great. If three cycles pass without giving a positive result could mean either that the kit is not sensitive enough for you or you are not ovulating. In any case, consult your doctor. If you want to be a goddess of fertility, try to have one. Some women can induce ovulation by putting on a few pounds or remove some. In general, the closer your actual weight, ideal weight is contained in the Metropolitan Life tables of statistics, the better. You want to be in 95 percent of that ideal, but below 120 percent. Researchers have found that body fat can actually produce and store estrogen, a hormone that prepares the body for pregnancy. When total body estrogen is too high or too low, the system can be thrown off balance. The more fat, the more estrogen produced. In a study of reproductive endocrinology G. William Bates, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and dean of the Medical University of South Carolina School of Medicine, 29 women met nonovulatory thin and ovulation, when they had gained enough weight to put in 95 percent of ideal. Within three years of entering the program, 24 of the 29 became pregnant. In another study by Bates, 11, 13 and overweight women ovulation nonovulatory recovered after losing weight: 10 conceived. Go easy on the exercise. There are two reasons for this. If exercise makes you lose excess body fat, can stop ovulation. But even if you maintain normal body weight, you may put yourself at risk if you spend more than an hour a day of work in activities like running, skiing, or swimming. In a study of 346 women with ovulatory dysfunction, Beverly Green, MD, a specialist in maternal and child health in Silverdale, Washington, found some evidence that women who had never been pregnant and strenuous activity for more than an hour a day increased their risk of infertility. The study found that exercise exerts its effect on fertility through a means independent of its ability to promote weight loss. What is happening here Dr. Green is not sure. Dr. Bellina suspects endorphins, brain chemicals released during vigorous exercise, may, like morphine, affect prolactin levels in women. Prolactin levels can interfere with ovulation. In any case, Dr. Green, a marathon runner who had no children having difficulties, cautions against overinterpretation study. His advice to dedicated athletes quot; Try to cut back and see if a diferencia.quot; Time it just right. If normal ovulation occurs, perhaps you are not having sex when you are fertile. Could it be that simple, says Dr. Levine. quot; Sometimes you have two people running who are having sex maybe once or twice a week, and are not only golpeandoquot, he says. How about it Try to predict ovulation. If you do not want to fuss much, you can predict the date of your next period and count back 14 days. Then, make love all night from day 11 to day 16. Or you can buy an overthecounter test kit ovulation, which will give about 24 to 36 hours notice of ovulation. When the test indicates ovulation, make love that night and the night after, advises Dr. Bellina. Thou shalt not shower. Anything that interferes with the pH of the vagina can make life hostile to sperm. That includes showers, lubricating agents, and jellies. quot; I tell people never to douche, quot; says Dr. milkman. quot; If left in the vagina alone, it will do well to cleaning s�.quot; Go easy on caffeine. Over a cup of coffee a day can hurt your chances of getting pregnant. The same happens if you ingest the equivalent amount of caffeine in chocolate, soda or other caffeinated beverages. In a study of 104 women trying to become pregnant, researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that those who consumed more caffeine than the equivalent of a cup of coffee a day were half as likely to conceive than those who consumed less. For men or male side of the equation, no more advice. Give him time to recover their semen. Any viral illness associated with fever can decrease the sperm count for up to three months, says Neil Baum, MD, director of male infertility clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana, and assistant clinical professor of urology at the Tulane University School of Medicine. Flu can have the same effect. Why is it so lasting effect According to Dr. Baum, the normal cycle to produce a sperm is 78 days. It takes another 12 days to mature sperm. Semen healthy, of course, contains more than 20 million sperm per teaspoon. If you looked at the sample under a microscope, more than 60 percent seems to be swimming forward. If the sperm count is healthy, a cold or flu, is not likely to eliminate outside the range of fertility. But if the limit, a disease can. Say no to steroids. Anabolic steroids can turn off the pituitary gland and alter the body's natural hormonal balance, says Dr. Baum. quot; It is not uncommon for athletes have infertilidadquot problems, he adds. quot; long time steroid use can cause permanent damage to test�culos.quot; Be careful with drugs and alcohol. Several overthecounter and prescription drugs can depress sperm count. If you are unsure about the medicines you use, ask your pharmacist or doctor. Tagamet, an ulcer medicine, is one of caution. Others include chemotherapeutic agents and certain antibiotics. And several studies in recent years show that chronic use and habitual use of marijuana may be to blame, too. Keep # 39; em fresh. The natural way to keep your testicles half degree cooler than core body temperature is the house of them outside the body. But if the internal temperature too hot, or heat the testes themselves, can affect sperm production. Dr. Baum advises you to beware of excessive physical activity, extreme temperatures, hot tubs, and fitting underwear if you want to father a child. Remember that abstinence makes the strongest sperm. If a baby is what you want, daily relationship can be too much of a good thing, because it can reduce sperm count. quot; For an average couple, this is not importaquot, says Dr. Levine. quot; But in a borderline case, this may hacerloquot;. Most experts recommend abstaining for two days before the woman's fertile period for sperm to build up, then make love every two days. Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or writer.The service is provided as general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor. br br